Let’s begin with the “Bang for the Buck Award”
This recognition is for the product that punches above its price class and does the basics of home audio exceptionally well. There was one new product that pushed other pieces out of my reference system and totally captivated me. The mini-stand mount Vera-Fi Audio Scouts just flat-out stole my audio heart. The midrange is absolutely beguiling for just $299, while the bass frequencies avoid the sloppy boom, and the treble stays natural. Add in a subwoofer, and you have a killer 2.1 system budget system that will provide hours of fatigue-free listening.
Design Amplification
Without the juice of power, our hobby only exists in live performance. While I admittedly have a thing for class D design, whether it be GaN or Digital Direct amplification. The autumn arrival of the solid state Galion TS-A75 amplifier takes the podium. Blending high current reservoirs of capacitance with the tradition concept of a house sound, the A75 oozes with a musicality and richness at the right frequencies that bely both its power rating of 75/100wpc into 8 or 4 Ohms, and wallet-friendly price of only $1495. The Galion TS A75 all but perfect for small space listening environment.
Tesla Award
Nikolas Tesla saw electricity in forms that the rest of humanity still hasn’t mastered. His visionary role applies fully to this year’s winners, the Vera-Fi Audio Snubway and Main Stream power conditioners. Both of the triangular cylinders take a fresh look at electrical noise in only home and trap such degredating evil from the audio signal. While the results for most will be small, the improved clarity is worth the $299 each price tag, especially when compared to the cost of traditional power conditioners.
Overall Product of the Year
When looking at the year 2024 in audio, one product stands above all others as a true game-changer. While its older sibling gave some hint as to streaming potential, the WiiM Ultra is a true leap in the audio hobby. Taking the streaming/DAC capability and supercharging it with a ridiculously near-full featured preamp with software equalization/room correction, the Ultra packs a ton of fun and usability in a small box. While none of its features are the very best, the fact that it can act as a hub for your digital and analog music collection is impressive. While many like myself will connect an external DAC for improved audio, the Ultra still controls the volume and equalization like a traditional preamp. The rest of the industry needs to pay attention, as the WiiM Ultra has planted a few flags on the DAC/Preamp/Streamer horizon!
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